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Monday, August 3, 2020

What If You Can’t Wear a Face Mask? — Pain News Network

What If You Can’t Wear a Face Mask? — Pain News Network: By Carol Levy, PNN Columnist Of all the possible repercussions of trigeminal neuralgia -- all the things it keeps me from doing because of the pain -- I never thought it could make me a possible danger to others. But suddenly I am. Because I cannot wear a face mask. Because of trigeminal neuralgi

1 comment:

  1. I am so fortunate, because Tegretol works for me. I've just had a relatively minor hiccough in the last three months when the Tegretol interacted with Arimidex that I take for breast cancer. Thankfully that has resolved. I wish the best for you, because I know what those awful times are like and I don't even have them everyday as you do.
